Sunday, December 6, 2009

Monday, December 7th

1) Silent Reading - Unwind if not done.
2) Google Story - Read and in groups decide on similarities.


New Journal Topic -

Assign Reading! We need to finish. Journal due Friday.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thursday, December 3rd - A Review Competition

1) Reading Unwind aloud - 20 minutes
2) Review Challenge - Divide the class into two groups. Boys vs. Girls?

Using Bloom's taxonomy create 20 questions to quiz the other team with - 13 knowledge (each worth one point), 2 comprehension (2 points each), 2 application (3 points) , 2 analysis (4 points), 1 evaluation or sythesis (6 points).

3) Time to work on Journal and Delve-in