Monday, January 14, 2013

Last Essay!

This is it.
You've done a lot of work to get ready for this last assignment. But, it is one of the most challenging styles of writing - the synthesis essay - so be ready for some brain-burning thinking.

Synthesis Topic: In a multi-paragraph response, of at least 400 words, contrast the themes of two of the following poems.

  • Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
  • Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
  • Talking To Grief
  • Stop All the Clocks
  • Brown Penny

First, know that writing a synthesis paper is a thinking process.

  • All the reading beforehand is part of the process. 
  • Evaluating and sorting sources is part of the process.  
  • Carrying on a thinking conversation with the sources is part of the process.
  •  Taking control of the material and presenting it in a way which indicates that you have selected, judged, responded to, shaped, and used the material is part of the process.  
  • Finding the clearest, most concise language to express your opinions based on knowledge of the material is a process.        (From:

Your Tasks Today:
  1. Decide which two poems that you will work with.
  2. Review and re-read the poems. Talk about the poems. Write all over the poems until you can say what the theme and main ideas of each is. Really. Don't fake this part.
  3. Write a thesis statement that quickly acknowledges the similarities of the two poems but then gives a detailed sense of what contrasting points you will discuss in the body of your essay.

    ex. While "Barbie Doll" is a post-feminist rant about how obsessive visions of perfect female beauty ruin women's lives, and "Gender Bender" seems to be just about the emotional life of a boy who wants to be a girl, both are really a criticism of societal hegemony and group think; the speakers in both poems ask readers to think more critically about gender roles and stereotypes.
  4. Read the sample essay. Begin to sketch out a rough plan/draft of a synthesis essay. 

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