Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Blog topics - again...

1)      How is our world like the Matrix?
2)      How has your life been a hero's quest so far? (Use the Hero’s Quest handout).
3)      What is your digital detox goal? How hard will this be? How will you make sure you make it? How will you keep honest? What do you think you will learn?
4)      Technology changes us. What has your personal experience of technology been?
5)      Describe how attached you are to Hal/The Matrix/the internet of things online... How often do you text, surf, game, Facebook, etc? How is your life better for the internet? What negative impacts is technology having on your life? Are you addicted in any way to these things? How do you know? How might you be different if you were not so attached to "Hal"?
6)      Read an article and respond - what does this say about our culture, our life online?
7)      What do we need to be good people (in life and online)? Look at our brainstorming sticky notes.
8)      What do you think we need to do to reduce the power of bullies (mean people online and in real life)? What would you say to school groups? How would you teach your peers about bullying, hate, trolling, etc…?
9)      Tell a story about the positive power of the internet? There are many stories of hope, positive revolution, boundary breaking connectivity,
10)   MANDATORY - Find an online article on one of the newspaper websites: Globe and Mail or The Huffington Post and carefully write and post a comment on one of the articles. Put up a link to the article and the comment you posted on your blog.

-          Check the rubric.
-          Email Ms. Colborne your blog link. If you are not willing to share your blog with everyone, please tell me in that email.

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