Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Watch for the Mutant! And UTOPIA...

The Original Book Cover
1) What do you think of the novel so far? What is the story making you think of in our own world?

2) Introducing the Utopia Project

What does your perfect world look like?

What are the people, jobs, living spaces, geography like?
Does Utopia look like this?
Like this?
Or, maybe like this?

Why would we want to engage in something called Utopian thought?

- 1 - 3 people working per utopia
- A map/drawing/series of images of your utopia is required - this must be made by students... not just an image of the internet. 20 marks
- A 5 minute slideshow presentation - that presents the name, ideals and goals of your utopia. In class, we will focus in one certain questions everyday. Your answers to these questions must be directly or indirectly put forward in your slideshow. All members of the group must speak. (I will introduce you to slideshow platforms). 36 marks
- A one page summary/manifesto. If you put this up beside your map, anyone to reading it will understand the mission of your utopia. 24 marks
- Make it larger than your interests right now. Think big!

3) I read Ch.2. You read Ch. 3.

4) Work time for questions and utopia group planning.

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