Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life Online Begins

1) Discussion: How is technology a blessing, a gift to humankind? How is technology a curse, a dreadful embodiment of the worst in humankind?

2) What Marshall McLuhan said. 

  • "The medium is the message." This is not just a hippie-trippie Sixties saying.
  • He knew that technology was not just a tool. Technology changes us.
  • Compare to what was said when radio first came out, "We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value."
  • My personal experience - a reader, a thinker, first computer, Myst, online teaching, my sister got me onto FB in 2007, addiction?, thinking is changing, but feel more creative, self-induced FB coma, I am calmer, kinder, better... so what's the moral of my story? Was this my own little hero's quest?
  • So, technology is making us less focused, more anxious, more mean... but maybe also more creative, and more open to new ideas... maybe.
Excerpt from The Shallows.

3) Digital Detox Challenge - inspired by

Everyone in this room is going to establish a digital detox goal. The goals will vary. The ideal goal is to give up FB or texting for one week. 
What will you learn about yourself? 

The person in the class who most impresses me with their detox will win a gift certificate to Avenue Bistro. 

4) Blog topic today: What is your digital detox goal? How hard will this be? How will you make sure you make it? How will you keep honest? What do you think you will learn?

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