- Progress Sheets are still missing the essay mark and the blog mark.
- Check your folders
2) Next (and yesterday's) Utopia Building Questions - who is keeping notes?
I. Scope 1. Would your utopia be a global utopia? A. If not, would it be a nation state? A bioregion? A city? An eco-vill age? A mountain? or other type of intentional community? If none of the above, what?
II. Goals & Values 1. What would be the fundamental values of your utopia? 2. What would be its goals? 3. Would individuals choose their own goals and values, or would their goals and values be those of your utopian ideology? III. Members/Citizens 1. If your utopia was less than global, what would be the characteristics of its population? 2. Would it be open to all, or would you select its members? A. If you’d select members, how and why would you do so? B. What would be the criteria for membership? 3. If your utopia was small in size, would you find the physical site or the community members first? Why? 4. What would be the rights of the members of your utopia? 5. What would be the duties of the members? 6. Would there be social stratification (e.g., owners and renters, different roles for males and females...) in your utopia? 7. If there would be social stratification, what roles would different class es of individuals play? Why?3) Review Chapter 2 and 3
4) Read Chapter 4
5) Time to work on chapter questions... or, just for fun: A Twitter contest! Tweets from 2112!
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